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This article contains 7 images. You will find them at the very end of the article.

This article contains 369 words.

Web Directions Hover


SydCSS is Sydneyโ€™s only group dedicated to all things CSS. If you want to get to know your floats from your flexboxes and your LESS from your Sass, then this is your place to hang out. We get together to discuss the latest tips and techniques. So if you love all things CSS, like we do, then join our group now!

If you'd like to buy SydCSS t-shirts and mugs then check out our shop.

Harbour Front Hong Kong

Harbour Front Monthly is an event series that covers a variety of topics around all things mobile and responsive web design & development, discussing the latest technologies, new ideas and best practices in web design.

If youโ€™re a webdeveloper, designer or UX-er or just want to learn more about the web, make sure not to miss this meetup.

CSS Cafe

We are a regular online-only event, free to attend, with talks on various topics centered around CSS.

CSS Masters Israel

The biggest developer community in Israel, expert at CSS

The Web Meetup

The meetup for people that work on The Web, with an emphasis on cross-discipline, collaboration and community.

Melbourne CSS

Melbourne's CSS and front-end discussion group. Do you know your floats, flexbox, and grid or want to learn more? Join now!

Get in touch if you'd like to present your work, sponsor or if you'd just like to say "Hi".

Want to support us? Head to Buy us a coffee.


Front End Developers & Designers with .class

Fenders is a meetup group for Front End Developers in Perth, WA. We get together to hang out, share our knowledge and have fun. So if you love all things front end we'd love to have you join us!

Fenders also has a slack group which welcomes web developers from all over Australia, whether you love the front end, the back end, design or just want a place to share your dog pics, everyone is welcome.


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