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Web Directions hover 2021

Session Details

Typography superpower with variable fonts and CSS

Ananya Neogi Frontend developer Shopify

Over the years, there has been a lot of effort in getting typography on the web right. With the advent of variable fonts, we're already witnessing how it improves the experience and even web performance.

We'll explore how adding modern CSS capabilities such as layout grids and custom properties in the mix truly gives us superpowers to create practical dynamic type systems that are accessible, performant and works across various screen dimensions.

Ananya Neogi

Ananya Neogi is a Frontend Developer at Shopify. She's also an occasional writer and speaker sharing her insights and experiences in tech.

Don't miss your chance to see Ananya Neogi and many other inspiring speakers at the very first Hover conference.

Tickets start at just $145, for two in-depth days with the world's leading CSS experts.

Register Now


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