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Web Directions Lazy Load

Session Details

Performance Upgrades with WebAssembly and the Edge

Aaron Turner Senior Software Engineer Fastly

This talk will be taking a look at how WebAssembly and Edge Computing can improve your front end performance of your Application. We will take a look at what WebAssembly is, how it can be used to replace hot paths in your JavaScript Application. What Edge Computing is, and how it can be used to provide additional performance to low end devices. Lastly, we will look at how they can be used together for portable and performant applications.

Aaron Turner

Aaron Turner is a senior engineer at Fastly. In their spare time, they are hacking on various WebAssembly projects on the web, cooking up some dope beats, and shredding local skateparks!

Don't miss your chance to see Aaron Turner and many other inspiring speakers at the first ever Lazy Load.

Tickets start at $145, for two in-depth days with the world's leading web performance experts.

Register Now


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