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How a One-Man Home Service Company Grew One Truck to Eight Trucks in a Few Years (And How to Maximize Google Ads for Your Business) - Plumbing & HVAC SEO

Google Ads can be exactly what your business needs to thrive. Learn how to get the most of them.

When we started working with Honest Abe’s Home Services back in 2018, the business was just a one-man show. It was only the owner, Abe, and his one truck. And the business was struggling quite a bit.

Today, Honest Abe’s Home Services has eight trucks on the road, and they just hit $2.5 million!

So, how did this happen?

It was a result of a few key things we put into motion. 

The business’ website needed quite a bit of work, so we made sure it checked all the right boxes. Of course, SEO became a major focal point for Abe and his business. And the strategies we put in place revolving around it resulted in massive growth.

Many businesses are striving towards the kind of success that Abe is enjoying right now. If you’re among them, here you’ll learn about something that can make it happen…

Google Ads.

Paid campaigns can be outstandingly profitable, but only if you know how to set them up and run them properly. And that’s exactly what you’ll learn in this article. 

So without further ado, let’s see how to take full advantage of paid advertising.

Tip #1. Understand the Auction Process

Many business owners have tried Google Ads, only to end up disappointed with the results. When this happens, it’s easy for anyone to conclude that they “just don’t work.”

But that’s not the case. 

The main reason why a campaign fails is that you don’t understand the auction process. And this can lead to overspending on ads that don’t secure the return that you expected.

To avoid this, you need to familiarize yourself with the quality score and its complexity.

You see, Google wants to ensure that every searcher has a great experience with the engine. They want to see that people who click on an ad get what they came for. 

With this in mind, keyword relevancy can make or break the success of your campaign. Because if your keywords aren’t relevant, you’ll have to pay more to remain in the top couple of listings.

So when developing your campaign, always ask yourself what keywords would be relevant to your niche and business. This way, you’ll take a huge step towards maximizing the effectiveness of your ads.

Tip #2. Focus on Conversion Tracking

A necessary component of success with paid ads is tracking. This lets you tweak your ads and double-down on what works best. At the same time, you can save money by dropping what doesn’t work as well as it should.

But to do this, you need to go beyond just tracking your clicks, calls, and ROI. These metrics are crucial, but they are still basic-level tracking.

To truly make your campaigns work, you must push back the conversions into your Google Ads account. You can then see what text ads or ad groups generated the most calls versus only generating clicks. With this information, you’ll know exactly what to focus on to boost your conversions even further.

Tip #3. Write Compelling Text Ads

If you run a search for a business in your niche, you’ll likely find a whole bunch of generic, vanilla text…

“Same-day service, click here!”

“We’re here to serve you!”

But if you want your campaigns to get results, you’ll have to get a bit more creative than this. You can’t stand out among the sea of competitors if your text ads look exactly the same as theirs.

This is why you should always try to make your text ads as compelling as possible. 

Your message should resonate with the customer to get them excited and make them click. Plus, the text needs to set you apart from the crowd and show why your business is unique.

If you make this happen, you’ll see a higher click-through rate. So you’ll naturally get more leads by simply tweaking your text. But on top of that, the higher rate will translate into a better quality score. As a result, your ad’s relevancy will see a boost, and the campaign will perform much better.

Tip #4. Have a Solid Landing Page

The last thing you want to do is have people go to your homepage after clicking on an ad. This is a recipe for disaster. Your customer will get confused and they’ll have to click all over the place to get to where they want to end up. Often, they’ll just leave your website out of frustration.

As a result, you can lose tons of conversions.

What you want to do is have a strong landing page optimized for conversions. The landing page should be simple and serve an undivided purpose of converting the prospect. 

With an effective landing page, you can see your conversions skyrocket.

When auditing campaigns, we often see a conversion rate of just 5%-10% on average for plumbing and HVAC contractors. Our conversions, on the other hand, range between 30% and 40%. And having an effective landing page is among the main reasons why this is the case.

Once a prospect reaches the page, you want them to take action. But this will only happen if you have a clear CTA that will help the prospect move through the funnel. If you do it, you can take a failing campaign and turn it into a highly profitable one.

Maximize Your ROI

The main reason why many people give up on Google Ads is that they don’t see the return that they expected. They feel like they’ve wasted money on something that can’t help their business.

But if you set them up correctly, paid ads can take your business to a whole new level. Pair them with strong SEO and you can truly dominate your niche.

Now that you’ve seen some effective Google Ads tips, go ahead and try them out. Remember that relevance is key, so make sure that your ads hit the nail right on the head. Make your text ads unique and compelling, and you should see conversions rolling in. 

All you need to do then is track your ads, tweak them, and keep improving their performance. And at some point, you’ll see what paid advertising can really do for your business.

If you’d like to discuss how you can generate better results online, let’s schedule a time to chat. You can pick a time that works for you now by going to

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