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Web Directions Hover '21 session spotlight–Neurodiversity (and why you hate CSS) - Web Directions

Web Directions Hover ’21 session spotlight–Neurodiversity (and why you hate CSS)

2nd March, 2021 @johnallsopp

Neurodiversity (and why you hate CSS)

Facundo Corradini, Front-end Developer Independent

Let’s face it: you hate CSS, and it seems to hate you too. But what if this was not caused by the quirks of the language, but the very structure of our brains?

In this talk, I’ll dive into how the process of “thinking” works differently among individuals, how the Multiple Intelligences Theory can explain why CSS seems alien to both designers and developers, and what can we do to make it “click” in place

About Facundo Corradini

Facundo is a front-end developer, author, and speaker from Mar del Plata, Argentina.

Passionate about CSS, accessibility, and JS. Currently working on “just a small fix”, as he’s been doing for the last 15 years.

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Three days of talks, two of them in the engineering room. Web Directions you have broken my brain.

Cheryl Gledhill Product Manager, BlueChilli

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