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Video Ristretto: Sharpen Up Your Text with The Power of Three - Mandy Michael - Web Directions

Video Ristretto: Sharpen Up Your Text with The Power of Three – Mandy Michael

1st November, 2017 @johnallsopp

One of the more pleasurable tasks in organising web tech conferences – although often a difficult one – is talent spotting: identifying people who not only have developed some particular technical facility, or some approach to skills development, or a fresh perspective on our digital futures, but can also articulate their point of view and then stand up in front of several hundred of their peers and expound on that topic.

Being good at that doesn’t suit everyone, so it’s very pleasing to be able to spot people – some of whom may have never spoken in public before – and encourage and support them to be speakers at Web Directions events. Some go on to speak at overseas conferences and build themselves an international reputation.

I bring this up because our Video Ristretto is of a talk from Respond 17 by Mandy Michael, Lead Front End Developer at Seven West Media in Perth.

Mandy is by no means a beginner, and has even been a web tech conference organiser herself. But I think it’s fair to say that during the past year or two, she has emerged as one of our local leading speakers on front end development and CSS in particular.

I dare say many of our international visitors who’ve seen Mandy speak and chatted with her would expand that to “global”.

Mandy certainly demonstrates not only a mastery of CSS skills in this talk but an ability and desire to share her knowledge and inspire others. By the way, Mandy will be at Summit in Sydney next week (and if you’re not, I hope you have a good reason – otherwise, register now!), where the list of speakers runs the full gamut of experience, from seasoned to fresh – all of them compelling.

For now, give yourself 20 minutes or so to let Mandy show you some pretty cool and useful text effects with CSS.



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Last year’s Direction has morphed into this year’s Summit – two days and two tracks of presentations crammed with ideas, challenges, techniques and breakthroughs in design, development and the overarching themes and concerns driving the breakneck evolution of our web and digital industry. It all takes place in Sydney on 9-10 November. Come and join us!

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[Web Directions] is a delicious mix of things educational, social and mind-blowing. It’s time out from the hurly-burly to step back, get some perspective, and develop new ways forward, fortified with a whole lot of new stuff in your head.

Chris Stephens Technology Director, Mozo

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