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Web Directions Product 2020

Session Details

Effective product management from crisis to the new normal

Cheryl Gledhill Head of Product Zip Co Limited

Product managers are nothing if not adaptable. How do we remain effective product managers and thrive in our roles if remote Zoom sessions are to be our near-term future? How do we retain influence and continue to drive through innovation when we're in our yoga pants in our living room? What are some of the new challenges we're going to face in this covid 19/ post pandemic world?

Cheryl Gledhill

Cheryl is Head of Product for Zip, with a career spanning 25 years in startups, mobile, fintech, disability-tech and telecoms. She has been working remotely on and off for the last decade, although this is her first unprecedented global pandemic, which really has changed everything.

Don't miss your chance to see Cheryl Gledhill and many other inspiring speakers at Product://Remote.

Tickets start at $195, for two in-depth days with the world's leading product professionals.

Register Now


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