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Web Directions Code '20 session spotlight–Tuning web performance with just browser APIs - Web Directions

Web Directions Code ’20 session spotlight–Tuning web performance with just browser APIs

24th March, 2020 @johnallsopp

Tuning web performance with just browser APIs

Yaser Adel Mehraban, Lead Consultant Telstra Purple

As web applications become more complex, with a corresponding increase in required bandwidth and bundle sizes, to meet users’ expectations the need to consider web performance has never been more important.

Yes, there are third-party tools that can help with performance but what about what is available “out-of-the-box”? In this talk we will look at some of the browser APIs which can greatly assist in implementing techniques to improve web performance.

From Network Information API, to Device Memory and Performance APIs, these are all right there in the browser and a great set of tools with which to design our apps from the ground up with performance in mind and the means to identify where we can focus to help our users.

About Yaser Adel Mehraban

Although it doesn’t look like it, Yaser is an almond croissant addict cleverly disguised as a successful web developer.

Since it was relatively clear early on that it would be slightly more than difficult to make a living while sitting in a café eating a croissant and drinking a cappuccino, he’s focused his energy on the web, which happily has proven itself to be a wonderful decision.

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Thanks for an amazing few days Web Directions. So many great themes of empathy, inclusion, collaboration, business impact through design, and keeping our future deeply human.

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