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Web Directions Code '20 session spotlight–Evolving Web APIs for everyday developers - Web Directions

Web Directions Code ’20 session spotlight–Evolving Web APIs for everyday developers

23rd March, 2020 @johnallsopp

Evolving Web APIs for everyday developers

Michael Mifsud, Senior platforms engineer Redbubble

JavaScript is evolving quickly, and with it so the Web APIs. In just a few years it’s grown from humble callbacks to include generators, async iterations, and async functions. With this growth has come fragmentation not just in the availability of APIs but in their syntax.

Over time we internalise all these differences through documentation, blog posts, and many mistakes. This friction is a barrier to entry and a push towards abstractions and frameworks. Can the web platform take a cue from query syntaxes to adopt a standard syntax? What could it look like? And would it make things better or worse?

About Michael Mifsud

Michael is a senior platforms engineer at Redbubble where he works on developer platforms and services, prior to that he lead performance engineering at 99designs.

His advocacy for great developer experiences extends to his open source contributions where he is the maintainer of LibSass and Node Sass.

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Thanks for an amazing few days Web Directions. So many great themes of empathy, inclusion, collaboration, business impact through design, and keeping our future deeply human.

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