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Web Directions Code 2020

Session Details

Web Assembly at the Edge

Tyler McMullen CTO Fastly

Full session details coming soon

Tyler McMullen

Tyler McMullen is CTO at Fastly, the leading edge cloud platform, where he is responsible for evolving the system architecture and the company’s technology vision. He leads a team of experienced technology innovators focused on internet scale, and works on future-facing, ambitious projects and standards.

As part of the founding team at Fastly, McMullen built the first versions of Fastly’s Instant Purging system, API, and real-time analytics, while scaling the engineering team tenfold. Prior to joining Fastly, McMullen worked on large scale web applications, text analysis and performance. He can be found talking about edge computing, networking and distributed systems all over the world.

Don't miss your chance to see Tyler McMullen and many other inspiring speakers at Code://Remote 2020.

Tickets start at $195, for a whole month with the world's leading JavaScript and Front End Developers. Get Code://Remote as part of a Conffab Premium Membership or Register for Code Now


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