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#9: SEO & Social Working Together Part 3 - Paid Amplification - Bamboo Chalupa Podcast

How do SEO & Social interact? How can they work together & support each other for a marketing campaign? We covered social as a ranking factor in Part 1 and building relationships in Part 2.

In this final Part 3, we discuss using paid amplification on social to build momentum and get your “marketing flywheel” rolling.

Links Mentioned:

Twitter Advertising

Facebook Advertising

Pinterest Advertising

Tumblr Advertising

Reddit Advertising

Outbrain Advertising

YouTube Advertising

StumbleUpon Advertising

AJ Kohn StumbleUpon + Remarketing

Nate’s post on Reddit Advertising

Nate’s StumbleUpon Tests

Nate’s OutBrain Overview

Bamboo Chalupa on using YouTube

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