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SEM, SEO, RSS, Web Marketing, Google Adwords, Overture, PPC, Podcasts,Website Traffic Tips: December 2004

Well, it is fast approaching christmas and everyone is buzzing with excitement for the holidays. I am buzzing with excitement for a different reason. RSS is changing the world of online communication and marketing.

RSS feeds are rapidly changing the way companies communicate with clients, prospects, groups and more. RSS is the next wave to hit the marketing community online. RSS has some major advantages over email marketing. First, your messages get through. they don't get blocked by spam filters or overly aggressive ISP's that don't deliver valid email.

Second, it is easy for consumers to use, they never get spammed, they get the rss feed channel that they subscribed to: and the consumer (reader) of the rss feed has all the control to subscribe or unsubscribe at any time. The users become hooked once they use it because of how it dramatically changes the online experience. RSS usage is more than doubling every month.

Third, the user is in control, and they are loving it. It is becoming the preferred method of gathering information online for the more than 10 million users. My prediction is that more than 100 million users will using RSS on a daily basis by the end of 2005.

Yahoo, Google, Microsoft and other large corporations are embracing RSS technology, so you can bet that this is the wave of the future.

If you own a website and are doing any marketing; RSS feeds and the marketing you can do with them should be a critical part of your strategy for 2005. The technology aspect of creating and maintaining a RSS feed can be quite overwhelming for small businesses (or even large ones). There are many software choices and issues surrounding RSS. This can sometimes make your head spin with all the choices.

The easy way to avoid all the technical issues and platform languages and software challenges is to use a web based service.

I am very proud to announce that we have developed a web based RSS Feed Generator solution and have been running it in beta testing for over 6 weeks. We just released this solution to the general public a week ago. I would invite you to learn more and take the service for a spin for 2 weeks for free. You can go here now to see more.

You can create an RSS feed in under 5 minutes from any computer, so go test drive it today.

All my best,

Rodney Rumford

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