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Web Directions Code 2019

Session Details

From DevOps to a DevOps Culture

Michelle Gleeson Technical Practice Lead SEEK

If your organisation is more than five years old, chances are you are familiar with the pain of the monumental shift of your legacy stack towards small, more deployable software, running on cloud infrastructure. Oh, how we all envy the start up! We worked hard to get there, but where has this left us?

Our teams ship software daily and work autonomously but is that enough to claim we are high performing? In this session we will talking about taking stock when the dust settles, and what you can do to help your team build a strong culture in a DevOps world.

Michelle Gleeson

Michelle Gleeson is a software development leader who is passionate about growing people and teams, building strong cultures and coaching better technical practices. She loves clean code, pair programming, test driven development and enjoy passing on my knowledge and experience to up and coming developers.

Don't miss your chance to see Michelle Gleeson and many other inspiring speakers at Code 19.

Tickets start at $1195, for two in-depth days with the world's leading design experts.

Register Now


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