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Web Directions Code 2019

Session Details

WebAssembly, your browser's sandbox

Aaron Powell Regional Cloud Developer Advocate Microsoft

We've been doing web development for 30+ years and in all that time have you ever stopped to think, "This SPA needs more C++"? Well thanks to the power of WebAssembly you can finally bring C, C++, Rust, Go and other high level languages to the browser.

So does this mean that we can replace our JavaScript with these other languages? Probably not, so what is the role that WebAssembly can play in building web applications? And most importantly, what does it look like as a web developer to try and incorporate these platforms that have traditionally been on the server?

For this talk, we'll look at some of the fundamentals of WebAssembly, how to incorporate it into our development process and ultimately what it looks like to build an application that uses a mixed development stack.

Aaron Powell

Aaron is a Developer Advocate at Microsoft. Having spent 15 years doing web development he's seen it all, from browser wars, the rise of AJAX and the fall of 20 JavaScript frameworks (and that was just yesterday!). Always tinkering with something new he explores crazy ideas like writing your own implementation of numbers in .NET, creating IoC in JavaScript or implementing tic-tac-toe using git commits.

Don't miss your chance to see Aaron Powell and many other inspiring speakers at Code 19.

Tickets start at $1195, for two in-depth days with the world's leading design experts.

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