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Web Directions Code 2019

Session Details

Building secure web experiences with Passwordless Authentication

Matthew Kairys Software Engineer DiUS Computing

Without question, passwords have failed us time and time again. Data breaches and phishing attacks are on the rise and studies consistently show they are often the result of weak and/or stolen passwords. With the recent standardisation of Web Authentication by W3C, developers can now give users and businesses more options to protect themselves on the web.

In this talk, we’ll examine how developers can use the Web Authentication API to build secure user experiences in web apps using passwordless authentication. We’ll review best practices and integration challenges and demonstrate how you can put this into practice today.

Matthew Kairys

Matthew is a software engineer at DiUS Computing with over 10 years of experience working with mobile and web technologies. He is passionate about sharing knowledge with others and helping create accessible experiences for the web.

Don't miss your chance to see Matthew Kairys and many other inspiring speakers at Design 18.

Tickets start at $1195, for two in-depth days with the world's leading design experts.

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