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Web Directions Code 2019

Session Details

Building a new Web Browser in 2019

Yuriy Dybskiy Founder Puma Browser

Building a new browser might sound like a crazy idea. In this session we'd like to walk you through why we decided to build Puma Browser, why we think it's important for the future of the web, what is Web Monetization Spec and Interledger Open Protocol.

Yuriy Dybskiy

Yuriy Dybskiy is a founder of Puma Browser, a privacy focused mobile web browser with a new way to pay for content and services without ads and tracking.

Previously they worked with the following companies: Lyft, Parse, Meteor, Cloudant and a few others. They helped organize Apache CouchDB Conf and Worldwide Meteor Day and had a bunch of startup explorations that led to β€œexperience” rather than great outcomes.

Outside of work they enjoy spending time in nature, playing tennis, riding motorcycles, reading, taking photos and dancing Argentine Tango.


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