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Web Directions Code 2019

Session Details

When Your Code Does a Number on You: Navigating Numbers in JavaScript

Meggan Turner Software Engineer Jaxsta

What happens when the numbers you’re working with are too big for JavaScript? How do numbers behave beyond JavaScript’s integer limit?

In a talk which promises to be more interesting than your typical high school math class, Meggan takes you down the rabbit hole that is numbers in JavaScript. We’ll explore how they’re implemented, how we can best write, format, convert & calculate them, and what to do when we’re forced to handle really big (or really small) numbers.

Meggan Turner

Meggan is a Software Engineer at Jaxsta, a music startup dedicated to providing credit where credit is due. At Jaxsta, she writes code for the front-end platform, tinkers with databases & derails conversations with random music trivia (mostly about Beyoncé). When she's not coding you can find her rock climbing, swimming with sharks, or doing something else that makes her parents nervous.

Don't miss your chance to see Meggan Turner and many other inspiring speakers at Code 19.

Tickets start at $1195, for two in-depth days with the world's leading design experts.

Register Now


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