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A huge thanks to Auth0–our identity partner for Code://Remote - Web Directions

A huge thanks to Auth0–our identity partner for Code://Remote

27th August, 2020 @johnallsopp

We had been running in-person conferences for many years, and had our systems down pat. And then all of a sudden we needed to completely change how our events worked, bringing them online, which came with a huge learning curve.

On top of everything else, or maybe underneath everything else, we needed to build a new conference platform to deliver on our vision of what online conferences can be.

And we definitely needed focus as much as possible on delivering the core experience of these conferences, and as little as possible on anything else.

One area we knew we’d need to get right was managing attendees logging in. If you’ve been to any sort of in-person event, something that makes or breaks the experience is just getting through the door. Long frustrating queues mean by the time the conference (or movie, or concert, or…) starts you’re in a bad mood. First impressions count.

The same is true online. And with hundreds of people looking to login in a short period of time we needed to make sure the experience was pleasant, not frustrating.

So instead of days or weeks spent getting this right, time we didn’t have, we turned to Auth0. They’d partnered with some of our events last year, so we’d got to know their technology. And while our use case is rather simple compared with everything Auth0 is capable of (helping you comply with GDPR and similar regimes, single sign-on, multi-factor authentication, and much more) having a slick, sensible sign-in experience for our conferences with a really small amount of work was something we’re really grateful for.

If you’re rolling your own authentication, we really recommend you give them a look.

See two dozen world-leading experts on all things JavaScript and front end development at Code://Remote September 2020

Code://Remote takes place across the month of September, and features two dozen world-leading experts on all things JavaScript and front end development at an amazing price, just $295 before August 28th.

Learn more and register now

Conveniently timed for attendees from the North American West Coast, right across the pacific to Hong Kong and Singapore, Japan and beyond connect–with your peers at Code.

Great reading, every weekend.

We round up the best writing about the web and send it your way each Friday morning.

We make events for the professionals shaping the digital future

Learn more about us

I’ve been admiring the Web Directions events for years, and was honored to be part… What a fantastic event!

Ethan Marcotte Inventor of 'Responsive Web Design'

Join us in 2019:

  • Web Directions Code://remote 2020

    A global remote-only conference for JavaScript Developers and Front End Engineers.

    Exclusively Online September 2020

  • Web Directions Product://Remote Design & Management 2020

    A global remote-only conference–product design and product management.

    Exclusively Online November 2020

  • Web Directions Summit 2021

    A conference for the whole digital team–featuring product, design, front-end dev, and new people/talent/culture tracks.

    Sydney See you in 2021



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