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Web Directions Code 2020

Session Details

Native JavaScript Modules

Mejin Leechor Software Engineer VMWare

A decade (or more) in the making, JavaScript modules are now supported in all major browsers and in Node.js. So now there's a widely supported, standardized way of modularizing your JavaScrpt.

In this presentation Mejin Leechor will show us how they work, and why you should be using them.

Mejin Leechor

Mejin Leechor is an application developer and hands-on software consultant, who values and aspires to write code that’s simple, expressive, and trustworthy. She thrives on tight-knit teams that prioritize learning, communication, and reflection. Her current day-to-day work uses React + TypeScript, SpringBoot, and Java.

Don't miss your chance to see Mejin Leechor and many other inspiring speakers at Code://Remote 2020.

Tickets start at $195, for a whole month with the world's leading JavaScript and Front End Developers. Get Code://Remote as part of a Conffab Premium Membership or Register for Code Now


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