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Web Directions Code 2020

Session Details

Know Your HTML

Chris Lienert Front End Technical Lead Iress

HTML didn't stop at version 5 and it continues to evolve. Chris Lienert will review a number of HTML elements and attributes that are new and (somewhat!) ready to be used.

Chris Lienert

Chris started out as a web developer when Netscape ruled the world and works as a Team Lead at Iress in Melbourne. He organises community groups Men Championing Change and Melbourne CSS.

Aside from musical distractions and accumulating frequent flyer points, Chris and his wife Sarah can be found in the company of their small human.

Don't miss your chance to see Chris Lienert and many other inspiring speakers at Code://Remote 2020.

Tickets start at $195, for a whole month with the world's leading JavaScript and Front End Developers. Get Code://Remote as part of a Conffab Premium Membership or Register for Code Now


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