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Web Directions Code 2020

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Asynchronous and Synchronous JavaScript. There and back again.

Maciej Treder Senior Software Development Engineer Akamai Technologies

Callbacks… Callbacks everywhere… Callback inside the callback, and one more inside! Asynchronous JavaScript code is a pain. Event loop is a JavaScript “bigfoot” - everyone heard about it, almost nobody knows how it works… There is multiple ways you can deal with the asynchronous action: callbacks, Promises, Observables, async-await; but which one is best? Which one should you choose for the particular scenarios?

Maciej Treder

Senior Software Development Engineer at Akamai Technologies; Twilio Champion; Enthusiast of web technologies especially Single Page Apps, Progressive Web Apps, microservices, and Internet of Things. Author of articles about JavaScript, NodeJS, and Angular. Open Source contributor - creator of @ng-toolkit opensource project - set of tools for expanding existing Angular applications.

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