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Web Directions Product 2020

Session Details

Design Patterns for building Trust

Kate Linton Head of Design ThoughtWorks Australia

Trust in banks is at an all time low in Australia. Following the Banking Royal Commission and the introduction of Consumer Data Rights (CDR), there is a critical focus within our financial institutions to re-establish trust with customers and introduce greater controls for users over their data and flexibility over their accounts and service providers.

ThoughtWorks, through our work with the banks and Government, have developed a set of Design Patterns for Banks, Financial Services and Corporates to enable a consistent approach to Open Banking and CDR, enabling these organisations to offer customers a far better experience that will slowly build back trust.

In this talk, we will share these design patterns and the insights learned through prototyping and testing with customers and merchants. These designs are based on principles that are relevant to all customer interactions. Learn about how these methods and patterns can be applied to give customers control in their online transactions and greater confidence over their financial decisions.

Kate Linton

Trust in banks is at an all time low in Australia. Following the Banking Royal Commission and the introduction of Consumer Data Rights (CDR), there is a critical focus within our financial institutions to re-establish trust with customers and introduce greater controls for users over their data and flexibility over their accounts and service providers.

ThoughtWorks, through our work with the banks and Government, have developed a set of Design Patterns for Banks, Financial Services and Corporates to enable a consistent approach to Open Banking and CDR, enabling these organisations to offer customers a far better experience that will slowly build back trust.

In this talk, we will share these design patterns and the insights learned through prototyping and testing with customers and merchants. These designs are based on principles that are relevant to all customer interactions. Learn about how these methods and patterns can be applied to give customers control in their online transactions and greater confidence over their financial decisions.

Don't miss your chance to see Kate Linton and many other inspiring speakers at Product://Remote.

Tickets start at $195, for two in-depth days with the world's leading product professionals.

Register Now


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