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Web Directions Product 2020

Session Details

How UX Can Help Us Humanize Products in the COVID-19 Era (and Beyond)

Ashley Hefnawy Creative + UX Writer

Ashley Hefnawy is a multi-disciplinary writer and artist, consultant, creative strategist, and DJ. Over the course of her decade-long career, she's worked as a journalist, UX writer, strategist, copywriter, and has pursued creative projects as a poet, fiction, and non-fiction writer. You can learn more about past and present projects via her website.

Ashley Hefnawy

Ashley Hefnawy is a multi-disciplinary writer and artist, consultant, creative strategist, and DJ. Over the course of her decade-long career, she's worked as a journalist, UX writer, strategist, copywriter, and has pursued creative projects as a poet, fiction, and non-fiction writer. You can learn more about past and present projects via her website.

Don't miss your chance to see Ashley Hefnawy and many other inspiring speakers at Product://Remote.

Tickets start at $195, for two in-depth days with the world's leading product professionals.

Register Now


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