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Web Directions Code 2020

Session Details

The Art of CSS

Voon Siong Wong Technical Lead DiUS

CSS syntax, like the box-model, flex, and grid is relatively easy to learn, or at least lookup. But CSS semantics, like when to apply the cascade, inheritance, or custom properties is an art form. And to master this art form, we first need to understand them.

Voon Siong Wong

Voon is a full-full-stack [sic] developer. He's designed Error Correcting Codes for satellite communications, programmed embedded hardware, wrangled databases, engineered backends, and sculpted frontends. These days though, he specializes in the latter. He's a ballroom dancer. He's a climate activist. He's vegan.

Don't miss your chance to see Voon Siong Wong and many other inspiring speakers at Code://Remote 2020.

Tickets start at $195, for a whole month with the world's leading JavaScript and Front End Developers. Get Code://Remote as part of a Conffab Premium Membership or Register for Code Now


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