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$(function(){ $('#searchform').submit(function(){ var domain = $('#domain_search').val(); // Don't submit if it's empty if (!domain) { return false; } // Get the parts of the submited domain // and set the sld and tld hidden input fields var parts = domain.split('.'); $('#searchform').find('input[name="sld"]').val(parts[0]); if (parts.length > 1) { $('#searchform').find('input[name="tld"]').val(domain.substring(domain.indexOf('.') + 1)); } // Construct the action url for the domain search form var href = $(this).attr('action')+'?sld='+$(this).find('input[name=sld]').val()+ '&tld='+$(this).find('input[name=tld]').val()+ $(this).find('input[name=order_link]').val(); $.colorbox({iframe:true, width: '1100px', height: '100%', href: href, fixed: true}); return false; }); // Attach colorbox to all order links (these are the plan specific ones) $('.order_link').colorbox({iframe:true, width:'1100px', height:'100%', fixed: true}); // Placeholder fix // Using this instead of the standart html5 attribute, because of the styling $('#domain_search').focus(function() { var placeholder = "Search for Domains"; var input = $(this); if (input.val() == placeholder) { input.val(''); input.removeClass('placeholder'); }}).blur(function() { var input = $(this); var placeholder = "Search for Domains"; if (input.val() == '' || input.val() == placeholder) { input.addClass('placeholder'); input.val(placeholder); } }).blur(); });

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