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Best Podcast/Audio Series of 2017 from the Content Marketing Institute

We are excited to share with everyone that Edge of the Web has won 2017 Content Marketing Award for Best Podcast or Audio Series!

This was the first time we’ve ever entered the show in a contest before and we had no idea what to expect. We would have been just happy to have been nominated but never in our wildest dreams would we have thought we would have won.

Five years ago, we recorded our first show. The show started out as a local Indianapolis radio show on an AM radio station (45 minutes from our office) and was recorded live at 8 a.m. Yes… 8 a.m. Every other Saturday. Needless to say, we didn’t stay there very long. Eventually, we ended up on another local Indianapolis radio station that was a little bit closer to our office and decided to record weekly.

After a couple years there, it was time for our agency headquarters to find a new office building. We had outgrown our little office building on the south side of Indianapolis and decided to continue our growth by finding a spot in downtown Indianapolis. We also decided it was time to build out our own podcast studio.

This past year has been exciting to see our agency growth double in size, move to our new downtown office and we have really upped our game with our podcast studio by broadcasting the show live every Thursday at 3 p.m. on Facebook.

Erin and I would certainly like to thank the team at Site Strategics for all the support work they help cover over the years as Erin and I have taken time out every week to record our show (we’ve done over 230 now).

We’d also like to thank all of the guests that have appeared on our show over the past year. We love having made connections with you all and we hope to meet in person, rather than over video in the near future.

Thanks are also in order for Jim Champer as he has been our audio engineer for the past year and built out our amazing podcast studio in our office.

There are too many names to list out, but know that we greatly appreciate all you have done for the show.

Last but not least, we want to thank YOU, our listeners and fans. Erin and I have learned a lot over the years (seriously, listen to our first episode) and you have stuck through with us all that time. We get emails and tweets all the time and it feels amazing to know that we are providing value and helping you learn something each and every week.

Looking at the names nominated in our category, it really is exciting to see this show with the likes of Moravia, Continental Tire, Slack Technologies, and Weber Shandwick.

We are excited to share with you some of our upcoming guests over the next few weeks and we hope you will check back with us for the next Edge of the Web! Be sure to follow us on Facebook as we broadcast every week at 3 p.m. Live!

Thanks for listening,



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