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Web Directions Code 2018

Session Details

Uncovering the secrets of Progressive Web Apps

Maximiliano Firtman Author, Developer Independent

You probably know what a Progressive Web App is but you probably don't know what challenges do we need to face to see them as a real alternative for app-like experiences. In this session, we will uncover today's secrets on PWAs that you must know to create a successful experience for your users looking for a fast and reliable app solution.

We’ll introduce the current state of PWAs including the latest iOS and desktop support, and we will get deeper into real challenges, such as the In-App Browser inside Facebook, the Android's WebAPK system and how to get our PWA into stores, including official support on Microsoft Store, the usage of Web Trusted Activities for Android's Play Store and solutions for iOS and mac AppStore, including the new Capacitor framework to create native PWAs.

Maximiliano Firtman

Maximiliano Firtman (@firt) is a mobile and web developer, trainer, speaker, and author. Max teaches mobile HTML5, PWAs and performance trainings for top companies around the world. The founder of ITMaster Academy, Max is a well-known professional in the mobile web community with dozens of articles and online courses published. He has authored many books, including Programming the Mobile Web and High Performance Mobile Web, published by O’Reilly Media. He is a frequent speaker at conferences and many other events around the world.

Don't miss your chance to see Maximiliano Firtman and many other inspiring speakers at Design 18.

Tickets start at $1295, for two in-depth days with the world's leading design experts.

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