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Web Directions Code 2018

Session Details

Optimistic Offline Experiences

Simon Knox FrontEnd Operator Gitlab

Many things cause connection trouble. Bad reception, flaky Wi-Fi, servers being down, computers resuming from sleep. The standard way to handle this is an App Shell with a "Cannot connect" message. This is a terrible offline experience. We can do better.

How can you balance your UI updates between optimistic and honest? Between spamming users with "Now connected!" notifications and not telling them at all? Does it matter if a Like silently fails?

You'll learn answers to these, and other ways to make a more fault-tolerant, more fun frontend.

Simon Knox

Don't miss your chance to see Simon Knox and many other inspiring speakers at Design 18.

Tickets start at $1295, for two in-depth days with the world's leading design experts.

Register Now


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