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Web Directions Code 2018

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Return of the script tag

Paul Heasley Technical Lead PageUp

It doesn't feel that long ago that we all moved to Bower and then NPM as a way of managing and bundling our dependencies locally, but with ES6 native modules support landing in major browsers, and tools like there's a growing interest in front-end development without the build systems and local compilation.

Paul Heasley

Paul is passionate about creating beautiful UI's that connect emotionally with users. He's excited by the opportunities that new technology opens up and is inspired by the innovators, free-thinkers and open source contributors in our community. Paul is currently a Technical Lead at PageUp where he tries to turn .NET Developers into Full Stack Developers by sharing his passion for the web and all things JavaScript.

Don't miss your chance to see Paul Heasley and many other inspiring speakers at Design 18.

Tickets start at $1295, for two in-depth days with the world's leading design experts.

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