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Web Directions Code 2018

Session Details

Functional HTML

Mandy Michael Front End Development Manager Seven West Media

HTML, the foundation of the web! With so much time being spent on typed javascript, functional programming, unit tests, visual regression testing, tools, frameworks and a drive to write better more efficient code we often forget that the web starts with HTML.

Let’s talk HTML, semantics and why choosing the right html elements will help you write better, cleaner more efficient code not just in your HTML but your CSS and Javascript as well. Most importantly why HTML is so vital in improving your projects overall functionality for people and for bots.

Mandy Michael

Mandy is a community organiser, speaker, and developer working as the Front End Development Manager at Seven West Media in Western Australia. She is a co-organiser and Director of Mixin Conf (, and the founder and co-organiser of Fenders (, a local meetup for front-end developers providing events, mentoring and support to the Perth web community.

Mandy’s passion is CSS, HTML and JS and hopes to inspire that passion in others. She loves the supportive and collaborative nature of the web and strives to encourage this environment through the community groups she is a part of. Her aim is to create a community of web developers who can share, mentor, learn and grow together.

Don't miss your chance to see Mandy Michael and many other inspiring speakers at Design 18.

Tickets start at $1295, for two in-depth days with the world's leading design experts.

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