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The Social Plunge Episode 7 - Insider Tips on How to Optimize Your Google+ Page - Plumbing & HVAC SEO - Internet Marketing

“Presence is everything,” exclaims Michelle Martin on episode 7 of The Social Plunge Podcast. Of course she is referring to your Plumbing or HVAC company’s continued attendance on social media platforms like Facebook as well as your page placement on all of the major search engines. But today Michelle and her co-host Steven Sparacino are not talking about Facebook; instead they are delving into the potential of Google+ as part of your online marketing campaign.

Google is the top search engine on the Web, with 68% of users looking for goods and services either from their desktops or mobile devices. It is imperative that you take advantage of their business oriented social platform, formally known as Google+. Here you can incorporate videos, blogs, send posts to various business communities, instant message potential customers, and even FaceTime. Steven considers Google+ “The defining factor of a legitimate business.”

Build up a powerful profile, throw in pictures of your company hard at work, add amusing or useful Gif’s, create a review page…you can really do it all. Plus, because you have now become one of over 340 million members on Google+ your Plumbing or HVAC company has a far better chance of coming up on page 1 in Google search.

You can repurpose engaging content that you have used on other social media sites for more effective outreach and it won’t get lost in translation like it has a tendency to do on Facebook. Even better is the fact that you don’t have to wait for customers to come to you, as you can start communicating with whomever you please, whenever you please.

Stay active on your Google+ account but remember, just as with any other part of your digital marketing campaign, quality is always better than quantity. Take it from the experts on The Social Plunge Podcast and see just how beneficial Google+ can be to your overall social media marketing strategy.

Be sure and subscribe to The Social Plunge Podcast by clicking here.

See the many ways Plumbing & HVAC SEO can help to grow your business online, click here to schedule a time to talk with us or call us directly at 866-610-4647.

[bctt tweet="I just listened to another great episode of the Social Plunge Podcast. Social Media for Plumbers!"]


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