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Web Directions Summit

Session Details

​ Exploring Static Types: Writing Typesafe Code that Feels Like Real JavaScript.

Josh Duck Front End Team Lead ABC

​For twenty years JavaScript's dynamic typing has given us an easy-to-use scripting language. But now Flow and TypeScript are changing the foundations of the language. In this talk we learn that far from turning our code into an object oriented mess, static typing gives us JavaScript code that's cleaner, simpler and more predictable.


Type safety removes boilerplate assertions, needless unit tests, and the need to create class-based APIs. And by embracing the nature of typechecking, we end up with interfaces that are easier for humans to understand too.

Josh Duck

Josh is a front-end engineer who is passionate about building solid technical infrastructure and creating amazing user experiences. He's worked on products for Facebook sites for The Beatles, the Sherlock Holmes Film, and many others.

Now at the ABC, for several years he's been working at Facebook where he helped launch Friends Lists, Timeline, and Graph Search. He also built common infrastructure by contributing to React and Draft.js as well as managing the team building Relay.

Don't miss your chance to see Josh Duck and many other inspiring speakers at Web Directions Summit.

Tickets start at $999, for two in-depth days with the world's leading product, design and engineering experts.

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