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Web Directions Summit

Session Details

Designing Conversations

Lauren Lucchese Head of AI Content CapitalOne

As designers, we all know that creating a product or experience that people know how (and actually want!) to engage with is everything. With GUIs, we can design visual cues that assist with usability and solve for understandability. But, how do we design for conversational UIs, when the content is the experience, and words are the interface?

In this session, Lauren will talk about how to design contextually relevant conversations for bots that evoke emotion and lead to relationships rooted in trust, empathy, and understanding.

Lauren Lucchese

Lauren is an AI Designer, writer, and editor, who designs content that informs, engages, and builds trust. At Capital One Lauren leads a team of writers that shape trusted, likable Conversational UIs, including voice.

That team is part of a larger Conversation Design team at Capital One, together working to bring humanity and clarity to every experience they design.

Don't miss your chance to see Lauren Lucchese and many other inspiring speakers at Web Directions Summit.

Tickets start at $999, for two in-depth days with the world's leading product, design and engineering experts.

Register Now


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