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Video of the Week: Flexing your layout muscles - a pragmatic look at Flexbox - Stephanie Rewis - Web Directions

Video of the Week: Flexing your layout muscles – a pragmatic look at Flexbox – Stephanie Rewis

  • By: John
  • Tweet: @johnallsopp
  • March 31, 2017

Recent browser support for CSS Grid Layout has attracted much attention for offering new web layout options, and this has also put the spotlight on another modern and complementary way to control layout: Flexbox.

As it happens, the same Code 16 conference which saw Rachel Andrew explain CSS Grid to us also featured Stephanie Rewis, Lead Developer on Design Systems at Salesforce UX, deliver an equally rivetting, mind-spinning and mouth-watering talk on what can be achieved with Flexbox.

That’s our Video of the Week this week, and I heartily recommend you find 50 minutes or so to give it a look. Actually, leave a little bit more time, because you WILL find yourself stopping to make notes and follow links. Hope you enjoy it.

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