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Does Your Plumbing & HVAC Business Have an Email Marketing Strategy?

Did you know that according to EmailExpert for every $1 spent on email marketing, the average return on investment is $44.25. Seems like a pretty astonishing number doesn’t it? Email Marketing is becoming the bread and butter of your internet marketing efforts as a Plumbing and/or HVAC business.

By keeping your customers, as well as your prospect customers who visit your website in the loop of monthly specials or promotions, they’re more inclined to use your services when they need a drain cleaned, or their AC repaired!

In this article, I’ll be discussing some tactics and strategies that we do here at Plumbing & HVAC SEO as well as some techniques to build your list, and how you can execute this strategy to your customer base, using a simple email blast on a month-to-month basis.

I’ll also be showcasing two clients that have had amazing results with using our Email Marketing services, with an increase in call volume, as well as calls scheduled on the spot of when receiving the email promotion.

Create a Opt-in Popup Form on Your Website

Nearly every website that you visit these days has a opt-in form popup after reaching a certain point within the content of the page. These pop up forms serve the greater purpose of grabbing that visitor to your website, and making them become a possible lead for your business in the future. For every person that visits your website, it can result in a possible lead for you to connect with.

This is a great tactic to use to gain a new customer base around your email marketing efforts. It keeps new customers engaged with your services, as well as keeping the recurring customers in the loop of your monthly promotions.

So before jumping into your Email Marketing Campaigns, you always want to make sure that your list is recent, that way you’ll be engaging with recent customers that have signed up on your website.

An Enticing Special or Promotion

So behind every successful email marketing campaign, comes a special or promotion that needs to entice the customer. In order to have a successful newsletter, that will get a high click through rate as well as a high open rate is of course ‘CONTENT’. Content is king, and if you want people to keep opening your monthly newsletters, you have to have engaging content as well as a special or promotion that will catch the reader's eye.

For example, showcasing your monthly testimonials, or your monthly blogs that are on your website. Also including social links so your customers can stay engaged with your social platforms. Another great piece of content is also showcasing recognition of employees, or specific community events, or charities that your business is a part of. This is a great way to keep people engaged with your newsletter.

Don’t use specials that are already on your website, make the special exclusive and new. If you tend to use specials that are already on your website, people are less likely to stay subscribed to your mailing list.

CJS Heating & Air Email Marketing Case Study

CJS Heating & Air are a Heating and Cooling company serving the Centerville, OH area since 1994. They’ve been a client of ours since January of 2015, and have seen great results due to our Internet Marketing services that we provide for them. In particular they really succeed on the home front of Email Marketing and receive a lot of results in terms of increasing their call volume on a monthly basis, as well as receiving scheduled services due to our Email Marketing services.

Within just 1 month they received 11 calls tracked due to the email campaign, and 8 of those calls were actually scheduled services pertaining to the special. The numbers seem kind of low in this sense, but when you look at the return they’re getting on a month to month basis, it definitely adds up.

Plumb Works Inc. Email Marketing Case Study

Another client of ours, Plumb Works Inc, which is a reputable plumbing company out of Atlanta, GA, which is a very competitive market has been in service since 1989, and a client of ours since January of this year. As 2016 PHCC Contractor of the Year in Georgia, they want to keep their internet marketing efforts as strong as possible.

We’ve seen recent growth within their email marketing campaigns as well. From July 7th to August 4th, they’ve seen an increase in call volume as well as scheduled service calls due to the email marketing campaign. Within the month, they had 19 calls tracked due to the campaign, and out of those calls, they had 12 scheduled services for that month. Those 12 scheduled service calls were actually first time callers as well.

The End Result

Email marketing can add value as well as ROI to your internet marketing efforts. We all know that within the service industry, engaging with your customers, and giving them an experience they’ll never forget is your first priority. Keep them engaged, and make them aware that you stand out as a Plumbing and/or HVAC business.

Be sure to check out on previous episodes on how to effectively execute your email marketing efforts, as well as get info on how to dominate your social media presence within the Plumbing & HVAC industry.


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