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Tom Loosemore–Enough lipstick on pigs: Building new foundations for a 21st century state - Web Directions

  • By: John
  • Tweet: @johnallsopp
  • March 11, 2016

Tom Loosemore, the closing Keynote speaker at Web Directions 2015 (so officially the last ever speaker at an event called Web Directions–no, we’re not going away, we’ve just refreshed and rebooted things),  thoroughly engaged and inspired our audience, with his presentation on how a nation bold enough to invest in new, natively digital foundations can transform the simplicity and cost of public services and unlock innovation far beyond the public sector.

If you’re interested in user centred Government digital service delivery, we’ve just announced Transform, a conference focussing on just that, with amazing speakers from around the world. Our new conference, Transform, in Canberra on May 19th, is designed to help you more deeply understand delivering user centred Government digital services. It’s just $599 if you register now.

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