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The Social Plunge Episode 11


by Josh Nelson on October 2, 2015

Is there any room left for words when it comes to digital marketing? While the old-school approach of engaging text to promote a product or service is not dead yet, people are demanding more visual stimulation. This doesn’t just mean a picture with an audio clip attached to it either, everyone is calling for more videos whether it’s a business or the potential customers they are trying to target.

On episode 11 of The Social Plunge Podcast Steven Sparacino and Michelle Martin are talking to 3-time Emmy award winning videographer Norton Rodriguez Sr. and finding out his take on the importance of video marketing.

While much of Rodriguez’s experience has stemmed from the entertainment industry working with films, television, and music videos he has also developed commercials, but now he is trying his hand at a new form of advertising as the video production director at Plumbing & HVAC SEO. “With these types of videos you can become more personal,” as he goes on to explain the package that is being offered by Plumbing & HVAC SEO. “We fly straight out to the clients and shoot up to ten videos, highlighting their services, trucks, team members, and personality out in-the-field.” This gives prospects a chance to really understand the plumbing or HVAC team they are about to do business with.

In the world of video marketing quality sells. While the owner of a plumbing or HVAC company should be included in the videos, he may not be the ideal spokesperson, as someone who is camera-shy could give off the wrong impression.

Also, for the DIYers out there creating fairly good videos is not as hard as you might think. While it will in no way compare to what Plumbing & HVAC SEO has to offer, an iPhone connected to an external microphone may be a good start for much smaller businesses.

During their conversation with Norton, Michelle and Steve talk about this ever-increasing market on social media, websites and all across the Net. Soon enough the World Wide Web will be the ultimate host to the number 1 form of content – video.

To learn more about video marketing and see what Plumbing & HVAC SEO can do for your business, click here to schedule a time to talk with us or call us directly 866-610-4647.

I just listened to another great episode of the Social Plunge Podcast. Social Media for Plumbers! Click To Tweet

Previous post: The Social Plunge Episode 10 - Your Social Media Q & A

Plumber SEO provides Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing & Online Marketing Services & Strategies to Plumbers & Plumbing Contractors across the US & Internationally.


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