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The Social Plunge Episode 9


by Josh Nelson on September 18, 2015

Welcome back listeners to episode 9 of The Social Plunge Podcast where social media isn’t just a topic of discussion it’s a lifestyle. Plumbers, HVACers lend Steven Sparacino and Michelle Martin your ears as they discuss the multiple benefits of Facebook Business Manager.

Get ready for the most effective team management tool out there and best of all it’s absolutely free. Are you are a Plumbing or HVAC company that has one or more Facebook pages with several employees that are frequent contributors? Facebook Business Manager will allow you to regulate, monitor, and safely give access to anyone that you want. And just as you giveth so can you taketh away, if an employee leaves your company for any reason with the simple click of your mouse it is like they never existed. This safeguards your Facebook accounts from any ill-intentioned meddling.

No longer will you have to worry about unprotected account information, multiple IP addresses, or finicky Facebook algorithms that will shut you down without warming or explanation. Now you and your team have the power to build a social media empire from different locations across the world. If you have an analyst in Zimbabwe or a marketing guru in Peru you can approve their entry into the company page without the pesky admin sign-in and the merging of their personal accounts. Privacy is granted to all!

It is time to attack Facebook marketing from every angle so grab your team and get started…

Have Plumbing & HVAC SEO take care of all of your social media marketing for you with our proven strategies, click here to schedule a time to talk with us or call us directly at 866-610-4647.

I just listened to another great episode of the Social Plunge Podcast. Social Media for Plumbers! Click To Tweet

Previous post: Keeping Up With Facebook Changes to Expand Your Customer Outreach

Next post: 24-7 Plumbing and Drain –The Biggest is Not Necessarily the Best

Plumber SEO provides Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing & Online Marketing Services & Strategies to Plumbers & Plumbing Contractors across the US & Internationally.


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