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Google algorithms that could jeopardize your Plumbing or HVAC business

Let’s face it, your ranking on Google has a major impact on how successful your plumbing of HVAC business is and will become. In the days of digital if your website goes unseen you will never receive the leads, calls, and sales that you are looking for. That is why more and more companies are putting increased importance on a sound SEO strategy in order to get that top page placement that is needed to give your business the attention that it deserves. But once you get there, how do you stay there and what are the pitfalls that will lead to your Internet demise?

Staying on top is all about feeding the Google gods, you must keep them happy or their reign of terror could quite possibly put you out of business. Unfortunately Google is not that forgiving and when you are attacked by one of their sneaky algorithms it will happen without warning, without reason, and even if you fix your mistakes it will take a long time to recover.

Google will strike out at anyone, even its own investments, so if you think you can fly under the radar you are dead wrong. Small local businesses seem to get the worst of it though, which is why you must remain knowledgeable on all the do’s and don’ts for website creation.

From major algorithmic changes to the hundreds of thousands of pesky manual penalties that are divvied out each month, here is a crash course on what they are and how to keep them at bay.

The Panda algorithm is still a force to be reckoned with

One of the initial algorithms to run amok across websites everywhere, Panda personally attacked people with low quality content. Back in the yesteryears of SEO keyword stuffing, duplicate and thin content all seemed to fly. People were even plagiarizing whole sections from other informational outlets and getting away with it. In 2011 that all stopped, now you need fresh, engaging, informative, and relevant content that does not waste users’ time. Those that fear that their content is not up to par should make any necessary changes now, because the Panda 4.2 update is set to launch in the next few months.

What is most inconvenient about Google algorithms that inflict penalties on company websites is that even if you make the required alterations immediately your ranking will not improve for some time, as the updates only circulate a few times per year.

And now on to Penguin

While these waddling miracles of nature may steal the hearts of animal fans everywhere in the realm of Goggle they will only rob you of your business. But this may be your own fault as many SEO schemers use unconscionable link building tactics to boost website presence on major search engines. A ton of low quality links is not the way to go, you need to make sure that they come from a wide range of reputable sources. Even one great link is better than a thousand bad ones.

The dreaded Mobile-Friendly algorithm

Mobile doomsday or mobilegeddon or whatever ominous name you were calling it when April 21st, 2015 was approaching did not have the catastrophic impact that people initially thought, but it was still good to be prepared. A mobile-friendly site has become increasingly necessary as more and more people are using their smartphones to look for goods and services.

Google is always updating their algorithms and will forever be in search of “a better user experience” as they like to say, so it is always good to be ahead of the curve so you don’t regret it later. There is a convenient SEO guide that Google has created to ensure your website’s complete mobile-readiness.

The Top Heavy algorithm will tip you right over

This algorithmic penalty essentially cuts past all the BS so viewers can simply get their fix of useful content rather than having to scroll through ads and fluff to find it. While some of Google’s algorithms will only penalize certain pages on a site this will hit the whole thing and only you will be to blame. However, an ad here and there is not likely going to hurt you.

The Payday algorithm – keeping users safe

What do casinos, Viagra, and payday loans have in common? They are a black-hatting SEO’s dream. When advertised over the Internet these highly profitable niches are typically considered very spammy and most of the time for good reason. If you are one of the good guys out there make sure to use all of the best SEO practices to avoid any trouble.

Don’t give in to the Pirate algorithm

 Like Panda, this algorithm will sail across the Web looking for copyrighted content that has been stolen from other sites. If you are taking credit for videos, blogs, or any information that is not yours – shame on you. My advice is to take it down right now or you are headed for very rocky storms.

Watch out for manual penalties too

Manual penalties are actually orchestrated by Google personnel as they are commanded on a grueling hunt to bring your website down. Manual penalties can target bad links, spam, poor content, doorway pages, and many others. They can nip at particular pages or a whole website. However, the good thing about manual penalties is that you can actually pinpoint them in Webmasters Tools. Right after you fix the problems you have been scolded for you can notify Google and if they feel you have done your due diligence the penalty will be abolished.

Godspeed my dear friends

In the hopes of keeping honest businesses safe or working to ensure that dishonest ones clean up their act, this has been an overview of the Google penalties that are lurking across the Internet and what you can do to battle against them. So right now I am wishing you good luck and a prosperous journey…may the Google gods smile upon you.

 Looking for a legitimate SEO strategy that will help to drive more traffic to your website? Click here to schedule a time to talk with the experts at Plumbing & HVAC SEO or call us directly at 866-610-4647.

Google Penalties – One For Every Website Click To Tweet


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