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SEO: From Then to Now

In 1989 something happened that would change our lives forever...the World Wide Web sprang into existence. It’s creator Tim Berners-Lee would then go on to launch its first website in 1991. Little did we know at that time how massive the Internet would become from a marketing standpoint when advertising for goods and services for small and large business alike. After a short period search engines like Excite and Yahoo started to pop up and a bit later came Google, all of these were designed to make finding desired information easier.

The sloppy stages of SEO

This is where the first stages of search engine optimization (SEO) came into play. However, at this point it was like a free-for-all - poor content stuffed full of keywords, relentless tagging, deplorable backlinks, and several black-hatting tactics were all used as acceptable strategies for driving people to your site. As we all know, in today’s world, this no longer flies.

Google started generating rules and regulations that began to minimize the madness of downright terrible SEO practices. Certain algorithms were designed to seek out sites that were essentially garbage and penalize them accordingly, but there was often several months of lag time when it came to this as well.

Things are getting better all the time

While Google continued to get better at flushing out poor online marketing tactics, with a focus on better overall content and linking, sites became more user-friendly. If you were looking for a plumber or HVAC technician in your area to perform a service many places on the Web started incorporating map oriented directions, hours of operations, and even the ability to access information on your mobile phone. Although, the need for every site to be optimized from mobile use would not be a necessity until almost 10 years later.

2008 was the fateful time where Google Suggest offered more tailored results for consumers. Tools like Google Analytics gave companies a more specific approach to reaching their target audience by studying online trends, search results, traffic reports, and so on and so forth. This also developed as time went on and really allowed businesses to design their Internet marketing campaign to placate solely to their ideal customer. Along with more advanced tools that made the Web a simpler digital space for finding exactly what users were looking for, site content started to become more captivating and included pictures, videos, and engaging information that viewers could really sink their teeth into.

The progression of user-friendly search

Still, certain people weren’t getting the message and Google bared its fangs and made a strong example out of major companies like J.C. Penney and Overstock. Search engine results pages (SERPS) drastically improved visibility for companies that were following the rules, so when someone was in need of specific goods or services they showed up at the top of the list. In the middle of all this social media continued to gain widespread popularity and made for another great marketing outlet for businesses across the globe. But restrictions would soon be placed on that as well forcing companies to adhere to more stringent guidelines if they wanted to gain desirable digital reach.

So what has SEO become today? Frankly, it is changing so fast that many companies are struggling to keep up. But the focus on quality web content, ease of use on both desktop and mobile, and the many backend factors that need to keep a steady page with any algorithm updates still remains.

What comes next?

What the future holds is uncertain, but one thing's for sure users have become increasingly impatient, they want what they want when they want it and they demand it effortlessly. Mobile applications that provide streamline results are becoming essential and with the release of things like the apple watch businesses will have to start conforming to even more media outlets. With holographic computers and other groundbreaking technologies in the works be prepared for a whole new era of digital advertising.

If you would like to learn more about what Plumber & HVAC SEO can do for your business, just click here to schedule a time to talk with us or call 866-610-4647.

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