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How to Formulate a Foolproof Retargeting Plan


by Josh Nelson on July 1, 2015

We all know how important retargeting is for converting your website visitors into tried-and-true customers for your Plumbing or HVAC business. Banner ads that follow potential patrons everywhere they go on the web have always been a strong marketing strategy to stay top-of-mind and bring viewers back in order to make that final sale.

A celebrated retargeting tactic that companies seem to adhere to is a 30-day reach out to all first time visitors on their site that did not opt for services at that moment. However, for maximum engagement you have to be very calculated at which pages you send these visitors to. Pages that would not seem to drive your viewers to contacting your Plumbing or HVAC business for assistance obviously have no reason to be part of your campaign.

A prime example of an ineffective place to send potential customers to would be an employment page, so if you do have one on your site, take it out of your retargeting equation. Through the use of Google Analytics you can actually see cold hard data on which pages are generating traffic but no business, so you can then eliminate these landing pages from your promotion.

Use Google Analytics to spot uninterested visitors

The next step is weeding out useless visitors. Perhaps some viewers are using your blog entries as a research tool of some kind, this would not be the kind of audience you are looking for, which is why you are given the option of taking them straight out of your campaign. This is meant to save you time and money and ultimately give you a better return on investment.

Competitors looking at your site in order to better their own must be excluded too. Even younger family members using their parents’ computers might click on your banner ad by accident. Be weary of avatars that do not correlate with what your company is offering. If you are receiving several visits from viewers with peculiar online interests like dinosaurs or Pixar films then you are likely not reaching the correct consumers who would be in need of plumbing or HVAC services.

Speak only to your audience

Knowing your audience and advertising only to them will make your retargeting campaign far more powerful, and could also improve your rankings on Google, as they do not take too kindly to companies that are always in the face of users that do not want anything to do with them.

Another thing to watch out for is people who visited your site but only stayed for a split second. Does this seem like a potential customer who is interested in your services? Probably not. But don’t worry there are plenty of people out there that are, and knowing how to cater your retargeting plan to this very specific market will help to produce the results you are looking for. You will not only gain more leads, calls, and sales, but being in Google’s good graces is always something you want for your Plumbing or HVAC business.

If you would like to learn more about what Plumber & HVAC SEO can do for your business, just click here to schedule a time to talk with us or call 866-610-4647.

How to Formulate a Foolproof Retargeting Plan Click To Tweet

Tagged as: Retargeting Marketing

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Plumber SEO provides Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing & Online Marketing Services & Strategies to Plumbers & Plumbing Contractors across the US & Internationally.


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