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Adelaide Entrepreneur Interviews - New Website - Web Marketing Adelaide

June 6, 2013 by Nick Morris Leave a Comment

Today, I wanted to do a quick video about a new website we’ve recently launched called This is a website where I go out and do interviews with entrepreneurs from Adelaide. This could be people at various stages in their business from just starting to running a business to having stepped out of their business to having just sold a business. I try to grill (nicely) these people about the process they’ve gone through to come up with an idea, how they knew it was a good idea, marketing, the highs and lows, surviving a business, challenges they face and trying to draw out as much information as possible that could be useful to other people in Adelaide who are thinking of launching a business or who are in the process of launching a business and trying to get it to grow and get it off the ground.

So head on to and you’ll get all the videos that we’ve done so far and check out there regularly to get a new video when they come up.

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