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Book Announcement: And the Marketer Said, “Let There Be Leads!” The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Your Home Care Business

(LTCEP, St. Louis, MO, January 2015) Valerie VanBooven RN BSN and her colleagues George Novoson and Steve “The Hurricane” Weiss are releasing a new book (digital version only) on marketing home care businesses. The most up-to-date and comprehensive step-by-step guide to be published in recent years, “Let There Be Leads” is a must have for all home care agency owners and marketers nationwide. has posted the book at a pre-sale purchase price. The publication will go live in March 2015 and will be available for download at that time.

LTC Expert Publications has published all of Valerie’s books in the past including Aging Answers (2003), The Senior Solution (2007), and Priceless Caregiving (2009).

“Let There Be Leads” is the first significant publication we’ve done that is specifically for home care business owners. It’s been a long time coming, and we are all very excited about it’s release this year!”, states VanBooven.

George Novoson contributes his expertise for business development in the home care industry, and Steve “The Hurricane” Weiss contributes the in-person sales and marketing techniques that made him a rock-star home care marketer. Valerie’s focus is on the online marketing piece, which includes websites, blogs, content, social media, e-newlsetters and more.

Valerie adds, “There isn’t one type of marketing that makes a home care business successful, it’s a combination of online and offline marketing (and we have some specific formulas) that makes it all work. Any consultant who tells a business owner anything different, (ie…you don’t need to blog post, you don’t need a website, you don’t need a local presence online) is handing out bad advice. There is a way to leverage your online and offline marketing efforts, bring them together, and smash the competition. We provide those answers in this book.”

For more information, and to pre-order Let There Be Leads on at a lower pre-sale rate, visit:


Valerie VanBooven RN BSN


← Pssst…The Best Home Care Marketing and Sales Training in the Universe is COMING.


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