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Show 100: Pigeon Droppings and Site Strategics’ 10-Year Anniversary

SEO Radio Podcast

#EDGETALK : Google Pigeon Update

In the past few days, Google has silently rolled out changes to their search algorithm that have a direct impact on local search.

Many search experts have dubbed this the “Pigeon” release.

This has a major impact on your Local Listings, and we’re here to go over it on….

THE 100th SHOW! We’re celebrating our 100th show and our 10th anniversary of Site Strategics.

BOUND TO BE EXCITING TODAY – and have a special event that we are promoting for your favorite non-profit in light of our anniversary – stayed tuned to find out what!

HTTPS As A Ranking Signal

Webmaster level: all

Security is a top priority for Google. We invest a lot in making sure that our services use industry-leading security, like strong HTTPS encryption by default. That means that people using Search, Gmail and Google Drive, for example, automatically have a secure connection to Google.


By : Zineb Ait Bahajji and Gary Illyes

Google Webmaster Guidelines Update Calls “Low Quality Guest Blog Posts” Spam

Google has updated their webmaster guidelines, specifically in the little or no original content guideline, to add “low-quality guest blog posts” as an example of “scraped content.”

Brian Ussery first spotted this change, noting how Google has been fighting the use of guest blogging and posting around link building. Specifically when Google’s head of search spam said guest blogging is done for SEO purposes.


By : Barry Schwartz

Twitter Reveals How Many Active Users Are Bots, The Number May Be Higher Than You Think

Twitter revealed how many of its monthly active users are bots in a report just filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

The report indicates that as much as 8.5 percent of Twitter’s monthly active users are bots. A bot is a small, data-collecting software application. Bots are completely automated and involve no human interaction.


By : Matt Southern

Introducing Promoted Video On Twitter

Earlier this year, we began testing a new Twitter Video Cardthat streamlines video playback and brings a one-tap viewing experience in our users’ timelines. These tests have shown that Tweets containing native Twitter video generate better engagement and more video views than before.

After months of experiments and feedback from users and brands, we’re excited to announce a beta test of Promoted Video on Twitter!


By : David Regan

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 45:50 — 42.0MB) | Embed


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