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Functional JavaScript - video presentation by Dhanji Prasanna - Web Directions

Functional JavaScript — video presentation by Dhanji Prasanna

Functional programming, now gaining ground in the mainsteam, is a radical way of rethinking logic. By expressing computation in terms of simple mathematical relationships, and following simple discipline, you can vastly improve code correctness, modularity and reuse. In this session we explore how to apply these principles in everyday JavaScript, so you too can write incredibly concise programs that compose well together and are much easier to reason about.

Related presentations

  • JavaScript beyond the web page - video presentation by Patrick Catanzariti
  • Dmitry Baranovskiy - Canvas
  • CORS: Cross-domain requests with JavaScript - video presentation by Michael Neale
  • Jeremy Keith & Derek Featherstone - Web Apps - Ajax Kung Fu Meets Accessibility Feng Shui
  • Truthiness, falsiness and other JavaScript gotchas - Anette Bergo

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