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5 Reasons Why Company Culture Should Be A Priority For Your Business

by Dean Iodice on April 4, 2014

Company culture is a term thrown around in so many businesses that think they understand what it means. Everybody wants a company culture but very few understand what it is or how to deliver it. I use to work for a dot com company back in the 90′s who installed a Nintendo game system and a ping pong table in the operations room, not in the break room, in the room we worked in all day. Yet if you played it you were looked at like you had 10 heads, one person was even fired. This was a guy who worked 15 hours a day.

This company wanted to be a cool dot com with a great culture. Yet they punished you for using the things they installed. Lesson to be learned here, don’t install a ping pong table if you’re going to get mad if people use it. Tech companies are famous for creating cool and fun work environments but can this translate over to a plumbing or HVAC company?

Any business can create a great culture, and it does not require a ping pong table.

5 Reasons Why Company Culture Is Important:

1. Company Culture is important it creates a work environment that people want to be a part of.

2. Creating culture is about getting everyone involved with a common cause. Creating a company mantra like “How we create a wow experience each and every time”. Make sure you reward for these times and make sure everyone that does it gets recognized.

3. Upper management MUST BE INVOLVED. You have to be a part of the culture, if you are and are excited about it then it spreads. But if you are not and just doing it because you want your team to work harder it will destroy you.

4. If you have the ability to put your team in an environment that they enjoy being in, they will excel.

5. When your culture is working it will make your business explode.

Do you have a great company culture? Do you want one? I’d love to hear your feedback on it. Be sure to stop by next week as I’ll be writing about some ways to start and maintain and solid company culture.

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