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The music of What Do You Know - April 2014 - Web Directions

The music of What Do You Know — April 2014

  • By: Maxine
  • Tweet: @maxine
  • April 4, 2014

We’ve just wrapped up another series of our What Do You Know nights, this time taking the show to Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney. If you haven’t been to a What Do You Know, it’s an evening of lightning presentation on anything and everything web. Think of it as speed dating for ideas, where 10 speakers stand up and take just 5 minutes to “tell us what they know”. It’s the perfect formula for the whole web community to be able to see what makes each other excited, what makes us angry, what makes us sad.

But it’s more than just the presentations, there’s plenty of time for hanging out and making some new connections, so to create a bit of atmosphere this time around I created a “playlist”. The best news is, you don’t even have to have been there to tune in because I’ve shared it all below on Mixcloud, for your Friday listening pleasure. Enjoy!

WDYK April 2014 by Maxinesherrin on Mixcloud

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