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Social Media Marketing Webinar

This is a recording of our recent Webinar for QSC.

There is a lot of BUZZ around Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and Pinterest, but many of you have questions about how social media applies to your plumbing or HVAC business. During this webinar, Josh Nelson, co-auther of The Complete Guide to Internet Marketing for Plumbing Contractors, will be sharing how you can leverage social media to connect with your customers on a deeper level and get more repeat and referral business.

He will help you understand how social media applies to your business and spell out a step-by-step plan for fully utilizing social media to your benefit. What social media profiles should you setup? How often should you post? How can you get followers and trigger engagement? What types of posts should you be posting? Josh will be covering all of this and more, so you don’t want to miss this webinar!

If you have not already, I highly encourage you to attend one of our upcoming “How To Market Your Plumbing or HVAC Business Online” webinars. You can get the details and register for one of our upcoming sessions by clicking here.

If you would like to schedule a free one-on-one evaluation with Josh, click here to schedule.

Plumber SEO provides Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing & Online Marketing Services & Strategies to Plumbers & Plumbing Contractors across the US & Internationally.


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