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Why Employee Recognition is Important

by Dean Iodice on November 19, 2013

One of the most important things in your business is your team. They are the front line of what your customers see and should be taken care of with a level of respect. Get that dictator mentality out of you head if it’s there. The thing to think about it that if you employees are happy, then for the most part your customers are happy, and vice-versa if your employees are unhappy your customers are cancelling.

Employee recognition is essential to increasing and keeping morale at levels that help people to feel the rewards that come with being seen: belonging, a sense of self worth, and a sense that the work they are doing is not being taken for granted. When employees feel recognized, fairly and honestly, for their good work they are able to achieve more, go further, and try consistently to build on the solid work that they do.

Work itself can be tedious, and in order to have a sense of the contribution, employee recognition is part of the game. In plumbing and HVAC especially, employees need to see that the work they are doing is being integrated into a business model that they can get behind. Improvement comes only when they are recognized for their important work, and HVAC and plumbing work is no exception.

Time and time again, employees will go the extra mile if they are given this kind of feedback. They won’t push themselves if they feel they are working inside a vacuum; it’s essential to get a sense of the contribution they are making, and there is much satisfaction in knowing that a job well done is behind you, with chances for improvement still ahead. In order to keep the work mattering to the person, recognition is valuable  in and of itself. We tend to care, as individuals, when something is at stake in general. Recognition can go far in helping people to improve, set new goals, and feel satisfied at work.

No matter the job or field of work, recognition is a good formula for success and a boost in morale. Even if you just have a small meeting with your employees once a week to check in, a verbal recognition can help put everyone in a good mood.

Tagged as: Employee Recognition, Happy Team Members

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