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Top Five Interview Questions for Hiring Excellent Customer Service Representatives

by Dean Iodice on November 21, 2013

When hiring a customer service representative, one of the first things you want to look for is whether or not they have the passion for working with people and helping your team deliver the best service possible. Also, you want someone who has knowledge of the field or is willing to be trained in it. As a result, you want to ask them questions that will tell you whether or not they have the ability to resolve problems quickly and effectively. You also want someone who has the work ethic that your company needs and will maintain your company’s reputation well by providing excellent service.

Here are some questions that are good for the top five:

1. Tell me about a problem that you helped to solve with a product/ service of a company that you previously worked with? This will give you an idea of how much similar experience that they’ve had in dealing with different types of problems with different clients and whether or not they handle it well and how quickly they can handle them.

2. How do you reply when you don’t know or understand the answer to a question? This gives you an idea of how honest the interviewee considers him- or herself to be and if he or she is willing to find the answer by asking someone else or follows the company’s policy about searching for the answer.

3. What do you know about our company? This gives you an idea of how well the interviewee has researched the company and/or how much similar experience or knowledge that he or she has. This also gives an indication as to how much he or she would enjoy working for a company like yours.

4. When a customer calls and complains that a repair or replacement job has not been done right, what do you do? This tests whether or not the interviewee has the ability to show empathy and that the company to do their best to reassure their customer that their problem will be fixed again as soon as possible and to help them schedule for it.

5. What interests you in working for our company in particular? This indicates whether or not the interviewee has a genuine interest in the services that your company does or at least has a strong willingness in being of the best service that he or she can be to the customers.

Tagged as: customer service

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